Network Outage Analysis
An important problem pertaining to securing trustworthy communication is to maintain the ability to communicate. This ability is susceptible to adversarial attacks, especially in today's Internet-driven society. The technical strategies required to thwart such attacks is a not an area of research for Dr. Banerjee. However, it was observed that a lot of information about such incidents is usually available as human conversations. This led to a collaboration with researchers in computer networks, to identify and analyze the nature of such breakdown in cyber communication [Banerjee et al. 2015].
Research Group
Ritwik Banerjee, Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Stony Brook University
Yejin Choi, Professor of Computer Science, University of Washington
Abbas Razaghpanah, Research Scientist at International Computer Science Institute, University of California, Berkeley
Phillipa Gill, Research Scientist, Google
Vyas Sekar, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Carnegie Melon University
Luis Chiang, M.S.
Akassh Mishra, M.S.
[Banerjee at al. 2015]- Ritwik Banerjee, Abbas Razaghpanah, Luis Chiang, Akassh Mishra, Vyas Sekar, Yejin Choi, and Phillipa Gill. Internet Outages, the Eyewitness Accounts: Analysis of the Outages Mailing List. In Mirkovic, J., Liu, Y. (eds) Passive and Active Measurement. PAM 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(8995), pp. 206 - 217. Springer, Cham. 2015. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-15509-8_16 [ PDF ]